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Fans & Critics

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Fans and Critics is a NaNoWriMo forum where Wrimos discuss their favorite books, movies, and other media. It appeared on the NaNo forums in 2008 and is currently a subforum of Outside the Box. Before September 2019, Fans and Critics lived in the NaNo Groups category.

While some Wrimos write fanfiction based on some of the works discussed here and this is the place to discuss the source material, the place to discuss the art of writing fanfiction is best taken to the fanfiction genre lounge.

Since this forum contains a wide variety of media and people willing to discuss, spoilers abound for just about everything. Tread carefully if you're trying to avoid them.

Forum Description

"Wild about your favorite movie? Disappointed in an author's latest offering? Here's a place to rave or rant about your favorite movie/book/anime/cartoon/whatever." (2008-2014)

"Wild about the latest book-to-movie adaptation? Disappointed in an author's new offering? Here's a place to rave or rant." (2015-present)

Topics and Threads

  • Various threads on different books, movies, etc.


Current Moderators

Past Moderators

External Links