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The United States is not only the home and birthplace of NaNoWriMo, but the most active NaNoWriMo country in the world according to Google Analytics and volume of regional chapters.[1] Most major cities has an active NaNo region, and even many minor cities have an active chapter. Even Wrimos in rural areas can find virtual support in the Elsewhere forums for their state, and of course, everyone can access the main NaNo forums for support and socializing. Currently, the number of U.S. regions is more than the total number of Non-U.S. Regions.

Here's a directory of regions by state.

  1. Lindsey Grant. "The Great NaNoWriMo Stats Party." 1 December 2010. http://blog.lettersandlight.org/post/2068578620/the-great-nanowrimo-stats-party