Word crawl/Extreme HP 4

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First-year students are required to specify their blood status, depending on their writing speed: Muggleborn, for slower writers; Halfblood, for those at an average pace; and Pureblood, for those with exceptional writing speed.

Galleons are used to skip a round of the crawl that is particularly daunting. Students are reminded that only three Galleons may be spent per year and that it may be wise to spend your money wisely…

Be aware that rounds of the crawl get more intense and long as you move through your years at Hogwarts. This is because as you write more, you will be able to handle longer and more rigorous challenges.

Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.

Earlier this summer, Ron invited you to come to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione. Today is finally the day! You and your friends meet up with the Diggory family to use a nearby Portkey. Write 400 words as you travel by Portkey and get dizzy upon landing.

After setting up camp for the night, you meet Ludo Bagman, a former Beater and the commentator for the match. Fred and George make a bet with him, and you do as well when Ludo challenges you to write 750 words in thirty minutes.

If you succeed: Ludo doubles the amount of Galleons you have.

If you fail: Sorry, but Ludo takes half of your Galleons.

Time for the match- Ireland vs Bulgaria! Roll a die; if your roll is even, you’re cheering for Ireland. If your roll is odd, you’re cheering for Bulgaria. Word war with someone cheering for the opposite team for fifteen minutes.

If you win: Your friend gives you a Galleon.

If you lose: You give your friend a Galleon.

The Dark Mark appears over the large campsite after the game. Write 3% of your current word count as you flee the camp and into the woods.

Aboard the Hogwarts Express, Draco Malfoy gloats that he knows about an event happening at Hogwarts this year that no one else knows about. You and your friends decide to ignore him, and you write 500 words as you eat some treats off of the trolley and get excited about your classes for the term. If you are in Slytherin, Draco has already told you about what’s happening this year at Hogwarts and you may skip this round for free.

At the start of term feast, Dumbledore announces that this year, Hogwarts will be hosting the Tri-Wizard Tournament, and that no one under the age of seventeen will be allowed to submit their names to be considered for the competition. Write for twenty minutes as you scheme with the Weasley twins about how you’ll get your name into the Goblet of Fire.

This year’s new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is Mad-Eye Moody, a retired Auror for the Ministry. He demonstrates the three Unforgivable Curses in front of the class, using the Imperius Curse on you to make you write 600 words.

The day before Halloween, the delegates from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrive at Hogwarts. Write for ten minutes as you notice Viktor Krum among the Durmstrang students and eat at the Welcoming Feast.

Fred and George give you some of their Aging Potion, allowing all three of you across the Age Line protecting the Goblet of Fire from younger students. Unfortunately, the potion doesn’t work, and all three of you are sent to the hospital wing. Write to the nearest thousand as you wait for your gray hair to turn back to normal. If you are in Ravenclaw, you know better than to use an Aging Potion to get past the Age Line and may skip this round for free.

On Halloween night, four champions are selected for the Tri-Wizard Tournament, and one of them is Harry! He asks you for your help to prepare him for the First Task. Write 300 words as you practice the Summoning Charm with him and Hermione. 

The First Task is here, and Harry faces off with a Hungarian Horntail! Participate in a Fifty-Headed Hydra as you watch the event with bated breath, and celebrate in his success completing the Summoning Charm.

Hermione is worried about the well being of the house elves in the kitchens, and she takes you, Harry, and Ron down to the kitchens. Write for fifteen minutes as you talk to Dobby and Winky while the rest of the house elves feed you well. If you are in Hufflepuff, you’re already in the kitchens when Hermione and the others arrive and may skip this round for free.

Your Head of House announces that there will be a Yule Ball on December 25th, and that you need to find a date for the evening. You have two ideas for who to ask, but you’re unsure of who to pick: a quirky third-year Ravenclaw named Luna Lovegood, or your good friend Seamus Finnigan.

If you ask Luna: She seems excited about the fact that she’ll be able to attend the ball, though you are a little put off by her strange personality. Write 500 words as you make plans with her for when to pick her up.

If you ask Seamus: He’s a little surprised that you asked him but gladly accepts. Write for twenty minutes as you pray that he won’t blow anything up in your face on your date.

Christmas Day arrives, and it’s time for the Ball! After the formal slow dances, you and your date have fun dancing to the band that arrives to play. Write for thirty minutes while listening to your favorite wizard rock music. You can find a master list of wizard rock music byclicking here. If you don’t want to listen to wizard rock while you write, listen to the music of your choice, or none if you would prefer.

In preparation for the Second Task, you help Harry in the library to try to find a way to breathe underwater. Write 400 words as you learn little from your search.

The morning of the Second Task, you can’t find Ron or Hermione to walk down with you to the lake, so you go alone and quickly realize that they’re a part of the event. Write for twenty minutes as you wait for your friends to come up to the surface of the lake. If you are in Gryffindor, you use the time to console Neville, who thinks he killed Harry by giving him gillyweed. You may skip this round for free.

Sirius, who’s still on the run, wants to meet Harry and the rest of you outside of Hogsmeade. Write 500 words as you sneak away from the town and to the cave where you meet him.

Your life becomes fairly uneventful as you wait for the Third Task to approach. For every class you study for, complete the challenge below. If you complete all of them, take a Galleon for your valiant efforts.

Transfiguration: Write 200 words as you practice turning a guinea fowl into a guinea pig.

Potions: Write for thirty minutes as you perfect your Wit-Sharpening Potion.

Divination: Write 150 words as you study out of The Dream Oracle

Charms: Write 300 words as you learn how to perform the Banishing Charm.

Defense Against the Dark Arts: Write for twenty minutes as you work on your counter-curses.

The Third Task is finally here, after you watched with much curiosity as the labyrinth grew on the Quidditch field. Write for 45 minutes as you patiently wait for the champions to leave the maze. Keep in mind that you are not allowed to skip this round even if you have enough Galleons to do so.

When Harry appears, he comes with Cedric Diggory’s dead body. A quiet hush falls over everyone in attendance, and you can hear several people crying. Write 200 words as you stare at him in shock.

There was no time to come to terms with Cedric’s death when it’s revealed that Professor Moody isn’t the real Alastor Moody at all: he’s actually Barty Crouch, Jr., a Death Eater who was the one who entered Harry into the Triwizard Tournament! Write for fifteen minutes during the chaos.

At the end of year feast, Dumbledore tells you that Voldemort has returned and was responsible for Cedric’s death. Participate in the Three Digit Challenge during Dumbledore’s speech and as Harry, who sits next to you, explains more details of what happened.

Summer vacation is here once again, but this time it comes with a heavy burden on your chest. Write 500 words on the train home, and start preparing for your fifth year at Hogwarts!