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Word crawl/Birthday Crawl

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Happy Birthday!

Congratulations! You’re a year older today. Let’s celebrate. Make sure to keep track of how many presents you receive along the way!

If today is your actual birthday, you automatically receive one present!

1. Multiply your age by 5 and write that many words!

a. If your total is <125 words, receive one present!

b. If your total is between 125 and 200, receive two presents!

c. If your total is 200+, receive three presents!

2. Take the number of the month you were born and sprint for that many minutes. 

January -1                     May -5                  September -9

February -2                    June -6                 October -10

March -3                       July -7                 November -11

April -4                       August -8               December -12

a. If your total is <400, receive one birthday present!

b. If your total is between 400 and 600, receive two birthday presents!

c. If your total is 600+, receive three birthday presents!

3. Take the date of your birth, have a word war with someone or do a word sprint for that many minutes.

a. Word War

i. If the other person wins, you get no presents.

ii. If you win, you get one present.

b. Word Sprint

i. If you write less than 600 words, get one present.

ii. If you write 600 or more words, get two presents.

4. Take the number of letters in your first name and multiply by 100. Write that many words.

a. If your word count so far is <1000, receive one present! 

b. If your word count is between 1000 and 1600, receive two presents!

c. If your word count so far is over 1600, receive three presents.

5. Take the number of letters in your last name and add 5. Do a word sprint for that many minutes.

a. If you wrote <400, receive one present!

b. If you wrote between 400 and 500, receive two presents!

c. If you wrote more than 500 words, receive three presents!

6. Add your birth month, day of birth, and birth year together. Write that many words!

a. If the number is even, receive one present!

b. If the number is odd, receive two presents!

7. Now, it’s time to open all those presents! For every present you have, you get to relax for one minute before you blow out the candles!

i.e. One present = one minute       Five presents = five minutes

8. Time to blow out the candles! Take your age and write one sentence for each year.

If you are 24 years old, you would write 24 sentences. If you are 45 years old, you would write 45 sentences.

Bonus: Each sentence must start with the next letter in “Happy Birthday.” Once you reach the “y” in "Birthday", go back to the "H" and start over.

For example: Harpies have been flying in from the Great North all afternoon! Amazing as that is, their all clean and fresh smelling. Perhaps they don’t know they are harpies?