
The NaNoWriMo Fund-o-Meter measures how much of the target donation to NaNoWriMo nonprofit has been funded. It is visible on the main page of the NaNoWriMo website in the form of a graph of books that are colored in as the goal gets closer to being met. In 2010 and earlier, each level had a pop up box showing what would be covered by that amount. In 2011, this was replaced with a page of the site entitled "Where Your Donation Goes" due to the popups not truly reflecting where the money went. Before 2014 or so, the Fund-o-Meter featured the current stats for the year including what percentage of Wrimos have donated and how much money has been raised overall. It also included either "Have you donated?" or "Thanks for donating!", depending on whether the logged-in Wrimo has donated, which is still located below the Fund-o-Meter.

The fund-o-meter on the current NaNoWriMo website

In 2013 the Fund-o-Meter moved from the front page to the dashboard, making it only viewable to logged-in users. It also reset at the beginning of 2014 to reflect fundraising for the new fiscal and calendar year, and has reset at the beginning of each calendar year since then.

Camp NaNoWriMo's Fund-o-Meter took the form of an arrow that showed how much has been donated toward Camp NaNo's expenses.

Older Fund-o-Meter screenshots

The fund-o-meter from the 2012 NaNo season.
The fund-o-meter from 2019.
The Camp NaNoWriMo Fund-o-Meter as shown in 2016