Word crawl/Doctor Who Crawl

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There's already one on page 4, but I glanced at it and I had different ideas, so I figure it can't hurt to have two. For best results, when prompted to make a choice, do so before you read the results! This is based only off of the TV series(classic and new) and movie, as I'm not familiar with most of the novels or the audios. My recollection of parts of classic who may also be a bit spotty, so forgive any weirdness involving doctors 4-7 or bias towards new who monsters!

Also, record the total number of words you have written as you go.

1. You are minding your own business, living your life on 21st century Earth. To get ready for your big adventure, write at your own pace for 10 minutes.

2. Suddenly, a man rushes into the room, shouting "You there! Follow me if you want to live!" He runs out the door, and you give chase. Write as fast as you can for 5 minutes as you chase him through the streets. Record the number of words you wrote to reference later.

3. Finally the two of you are in the TARDIS, safe for now. But wait, which incarnation of the Doctor have you met? Choose 1-12, or the War Doctor.

If you have chosen 1, 4, 7, 9 or the War Doctor, your archenemy is the Daleks.

If you have chosen 2, 5, 6, or 11, your archenemy is the Cybermen.

If you have chosen 3, 8, 10 or 12, your archenemy is the Master.

The Doctor explains to you who he is, what the TARDIS can do, and that his archenemy is attacking the Earth right now, and asks for your help stopping them. As you listen to his explanation, write a number of words equal to the incarnation number you are traveling with times 50. If you are traveling with the War Doctor, participate in a 5 minute word war. If you lose the word war, write 100 more words as a penalty.

4. You will need to use the TARDIS to travel to a location where - and when - you can stop the villains. Choose whether this location is in the past, the future, or in the present day.

If you are going to the past, you have five minutes to write the same number of words that you wrote during #2.

If you are going to the future, Write as fast as you can for 5 minutes. Record the number of words you wrote to reference later.

If you are going to the present day, you must perform a fifty headed hydra.

If you fail any of these challenges, the TARDIS has taken you to the wrong time and place. Write another 250 words while you get back on track.

5. Upon arriving, you investigate the area. It seems that your archenemy has teamed up with another evil villain! Choose who they have teamed up with: the autons, the weeping angels or the silence.

If you are facing the autons, write as fast as you can for 3 minutes to outmaneuver the stiff plastic monsters.

If you are facing the weeping angels, write for 3 minutes with your eyes shut to avoid imprinting the image of an angel on your retinas.

If you are facing the silence, write 15% of the total number of words you have written so far as you count the tally marks on your arms and face.

6. Time is of the essence, but rushing will do more harm than good. Catch your breath by writing at a leisurely pace for 5 minutes.

7. As you and the Doctor penetrate the stronghold, you accidentally set off the alarm. Write as fast as you can for 5 minutes as you race against the forces coming to apprehend you. If you chose to visit the future in #4, and you have written more words during this sprint than you did for #4, write another 250 words as a penalty.

8. Finally, you are face to face with your archenemy, for the final battle.

If you are facing the Daleks, Write as fast as you can for 10 minutes as you avoid extermination.

If you are facing the Cybermen, write 750 words as you combat the cyber-conversion of humans on Earth.

If you are facing the Master, combat his evil schemes by completing a 3-digit challenge.

9. Wrap up loose ends by writing 5% of the total number of words you have written so far.

10. The Doctor drops you off outside your house, the TARDIS vanishing into the night. As you recover from your adventure, write at a leisurely pace for 10 more minutes. Nobody will ever believe what just happened to you!