Word Count Scoreboard

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The Word Count Scoreboard is a listing of NaNoWriMo word counts by region or genre.

The regional scoreboard shows the totals for all official NaNoWriMo regions. The total word count for each region includes all Wrimos who have homed to that region.

The genre scoreboard shows the totals for all genres that are selectable from the drop-down menu on one's novel information. The total word count for each genre includes all Wrimos who have selected that genre from the dropdown menu to identify their novel. Unfortunately these totals exclude Wrimos who choose to write in their genre, whether to include more niche genres than the dropdown menu provides or genres of multiple novels.

While there does not exist a scoreboard featuring individual Wrimos' word counts, there was a searchable list of Wrimos that could be sorted by word count in past years. This feature was removed with the move to Ruby on Rails in 2011. In the 2011-mid-2019 iteration of the website, Wrimos could emulate this feature by adding writing buddies whose word count they would like to track, then sort their writing buddies by word count.

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