Author Info

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Author Info (formerly My NaNoWriMo) is the personal page for users of the NaNoWriMo site. Users can check or enter their word count, update their novel information, or add a cover to their novel.

As of October 2016, user profiles are visible only to logged-in users. Blame the spammers.

Author Bio (formerly Author Info)

First Column

In the Author Bio tab, the author's information is shared. It contains an Author Bio and a Fact Sheet. The Author Bio is the section where the author can enter whatever they want the world to know about them. Common topics include a general introduction, their writing journey, neat things they've done, and their past involvement with NaNoWriMo.

Second Column

The Lifetime Stats section shows some interesting stats compilied from all of the given Wrimo's past novels.

The Years Done/Won section features the years that a Wrimo has done and won NaNoWriMo, with purple badges indicating a win and a blue badge indicating participation. These badges are derived from the Novels before 2007 must be added manually and can be done from the My Novels area. The Years Done/Won area also adds halos above the year to show years where a Wrimo has donated to the NaNoWriMo non-profit. Note that halos here are only for donating; past ML halos are not shown in this area, so if a Wrimo donates solely on behalf of another Wrimo, a halo will not appear for that year.

The Lifetime Achievement: Total NaNo Word Count (renamed to Lifetime Word Count in 2017) section contains the total word count across all of the author's November NaNoWriMo events. This total comes from the word count total of all novels added; therefore, if an author has not yet added a past novel, that word count will not be included in the Lifetime Achievement total. It was added in 2015. Camp NaNoWriMo and non-NaNoWriMo challenges are not included in this total.

Other features of the Lifetime Stats section added in 2017 include Wordiest Novel, Wordiest Day, Average Writing Pace, and NaNo Streak for participation.

The Fact Sheet in the second column contains the author's role (such as moderator or Municipal Liaison), age, location, hobbies, favorite noveling music, website, StayClassy fundraising URL, occupation, and favorite books/authors; all of this is optional.

My Novels

In this tab, the author's books and works in progress are displayed. You can easily see the book that they've written during NaNoWriMo and read a synopsis and excerpt of the book. There is room to add novels from past years. You can also access the book's stats.


Added in 2015, this tab features the badges and support stickers that the Wrimo has earned. This is also where Wrimos can indicate the personal achievement badges that they have earned.

Writing Buddies

This tab shows all of the author's writing buddies, specifically the people that the author has "buddied." The brown check mark beside the profile's name denote that the person buddied them back. This section is sortable by name, word count, and date added as a buddy (both ascending and descending).

Buddy Of

This tab shows all of the people that have added the author as a writing buddy.

Goal Trackers

Added in December 2016, the Goal trackers section shows all of the goal trackers that a Wrimo has created, along with their progress.


Stats, short for "statistics", is where the author's word count is recorded using a bar graph that shows their progress towards 50,000 words. This tab also shows the average per day, words written today, target word count, target average words per day, total words written, current day, days remaining, when you will finish at the rate you're going (replaced with the date finished after validation), and words per day to finish on time.