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Twitter is a social network that lets users connect with each other through messages of 140 characters. It is known for the many celebrities (such as authors) and news outlets that use the service, as well as the real-time communication the site provides.

NaNoWriMo uses Twitter to make breaking news updates through the NaNoWriMo account as well as to run word wars through the @NaNoWordSprints Twitter account during NaNo season. Their official twitter is also used to run Twitter events and traditions, such as the Twitter chats during Now What? and Friday whimsy.

Quite a few Wrimos use Twitter to connect with other writers. Many regions also have their own accounts. The hashtag system on Twitter makes finding other writers easier, especially through chats that happen through Twitter hashtags. Users can also form lists of other Wrimos for Wrimo-specific feeds. When the Social Media forum was opened, it was one of the first threads to be made and has also become the largest thread in the forum, showing Twitter as the most often-used social media among Nanoers.

Official Active NaNoWriMo Accounts

Official But Inactive NaNoWriMo Accounts

Unofficial Humor/Parody accounts

Writing hashtags

  • #nanowrimo: which trended on Twitter during November 1 2010 and again during a #NanoNowWhat chat in January
  • #campnanowrimo (or #campnano)
  • #NaNoCoach: used for the coaching sessions run out of the official @NaNoWriMo account with published authors, and also for a Twitter chat on October 28, 2015
  • #nanowordsprints: used to find writing buddies when the NaNoWordSprints Twitter account is inactive
  • #nanoprep: used to discuss NaNoWriMo preparations in general. This hashtag was also used for chat on June 24, 2013, on NaNo Prep Day on October 17, 2012, along with Twitter chats on October 16, 2014 (with Scott Westerfeld); October 23, 2014; September 29, 2015; September 27, 2018.
  • #NanoNowWhat and #nowwhat: used for NaNoWriMo's Now What? follow-up event in January and February 2013, as well as January 24, 2017 and January 18, 2019
  • #NaNowWhat for Now What? 2015
  • #NaNoNewLeaf: used for a #nowwhat chat with New Leaf Literary Agency on February 12, 2013; February 25, 2014; February 19, 2015; and again on February 17, 2016, when it trended; May 4, 2017; February 6, 2018; February 20, 2019.
  • #my1ststory (used as part of the NaNoWriMo's In Your Pocket Summer Drive fundraising campaign)
  • #toafuturewriter (used as part of The Stories of Tomorrow Campaign)
  • #WNDBNaNo (partnering with #WeNeedDiverseBooks for April and July's camps)
  • #campsearchparty, used as part of April 2015's Camp Donation Day
  • #nanoinspired, used as part of the Everyday Inspiration summer drive in July 2015
  • #whynano, used for a Twitter chat on September 30, 2014
  • #NaNoTeen, used for a Twitter chat with the Young Writers Program and teen Wrimos on October 14, 2014
  • #NaNoYWP, used for a Twitter chat with Young Writers Program educators and students on September 24, 2015
  • #DoubleUpDay, used for the Double Up Day since NaNoWriMo 2015
  • #NaNoAuthor, used for a Twitter chat on November 11, 2015
  • #halospree (for handing out halos to other Wrimos, often on Donation Days)
  • #GrowCreativity, used during Camp NaNoWriMo's Donation Day in April and July 2016
  • #DareNaNo, used for Wrimos to share dares during Camp NaNoWriMo in 2016

Non-NaNo writing hashtags

  • #amwriting
  • #amediting
  • #nanopals
  • #betabuddy and #betareader (for beta reading)
  • #LSW (Last Sentence Written)
  • #writingcommunity

See Also

List of regional Twitter accounts