This is Going Better Than I Hoped

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This Is Going Better Than I Hoped (formerly This is Going Better Than I'd Hoped until September 2019) is a forum where Wrimos share in the celebrations and triumphs before, during, and after the event. It lives within the Reaching 50K forum.

This Is Going Better Than I Hoped is one of the forums that once contained Shoutouts. Interestingly, it consistently averages fewer threads and posts than its polar opposite forum, NaNoWriMo Ate My Soul, likely because people really like to complain.

This is Going Better Than I'd Hoped is one of the original forums created in 2002 when the forums came to be. In years past, the forum was known as "This is Working Far Better Than I Had Hoped" and "This is Going Better Than I Expected". It lived in the Life During NaNo section until September 2019.

Forum Description

"Unexpected success stories from the frantic novel-writing front." (2002-September 2019)

"Welcome to success! When everything goes right, these are uplifting stories from the frantic novel-writing front." (September 2019-present)

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