The Great NaNoWriMo Book Drive

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The official web badge for book drivers

The Great NaNoWriMo Book Drive was a official fundraising effort spearheaded by the Office of Letters and Light in 2010. NaNoWriMo partnered with Better World Books to collect books. 35% of the proceeds of books sold through this drive were to be donated to OLL.

Regions were encouraged to collect at least 3,000 books. There were prizes for participating and collecting 3,000 books. The top prize for the region that collected the most books included a personal party thrown by Lindsey Grant and Chris Baty in the winning region.

2010 Book Drive

The 2010 Book Drive began on October 1, 2010 and finished on Decemeber 15, 2010. Prizes for all participating regions include a listing on the Honor Roll of Bookdriving regions on the NaNoWriMo site, a digital bookdriving badge for local contributors and free “Bookdriver!” stickers to give as a thank-you gift to people who contribute a book.

On 1 April 2011 Book Drive Director Sarah Mackey announced the winners of the book drive in the blog. Seventeen regions collected 3,000 or more books. Fort Collins, Colorado collected almost 10,000 books to take first place in the book drive. Chicago, Illinois collected 7,010 books for second place. Omaha, Nebraska collected 4,592 books for third place. The party for the Fort Collins region happened in mid-September 2011.

Due to feedback received from bookdrivers, the book drive did not happen again in 2011.

During the 2010 season, there was a separate forum for discussing and coordinating the book drive. When the book drive did not continue, this forum was also discontinued.

Bookdriving Regions

Seventeen regions collected 3,000 or more books. Some regions did not collect the suggested 3,000 books but are still listed here.
