Region/USA/TX/Corpus Christi

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USA :: Texas :: Corpus Christi is a NaNoWriMo region for the Corpus Christi area. As of May 2016, its About Us reads "We are the city that's stranger than fiction and home of the infinite monkeys!"

Regional Stats

  • 2014: 109 novelists; 2,687,071 words written; 24,652 average wordcount
  • 2015: 105 novelists; 2,440,794 words written; 23,245 average wordcount
  • 2016: 101 novelists; 1,602,532 words written; 15,866 average wordcount
  • 2017: 83 novelists; 1,614,498 words written; 19,451 average wordcount
  • 2018: 66 novelists; 1,142,130 words written; 17,305 average wordcount
  • 2019: stats unavailable[1]
  • 2020: 55 novelists; 1,280,143 words written; 23,275 average wordcount[2]

Municipal Liaisons


no ML (2020)



  1. 2019's totals, when available, were provided through a third-party tool using the non-public Word Count API. This region was large enough to overload the tool.
  2. Sent from NaNoWriMo HQ, February 2021. Consists of active homed participants who created a NaNoWriMo 2020 project.

External Links