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USA :: South Carolina :: Spartanburg is a region in South Carolina consisting of the Spartanburg area. It won the League 5 Donation Derby in 2009.


  • 2013: the Spartanburg region wrote 820874 words, averaging 16752.53 words per Wrimo.
  • 2014: 57 novelists; 920,222 words written; 16,144 average wordcount; $0.00 donated
  • 2015: 67 novelists; 886,795 words written; 13,235 average wordcount
  • 2016: 55 novelists; 925,159 words written; 16,821 average wordcount
  • 2017: 66 novelists; 1,209,268 words written; 18,322 average wordcount
  • 2018: 60 novelists; 1,107,408 words written; 18,456 average wordcount
  • 2019: 60 novelists; 18 winners; 1,495,677 words written[1]
  • 2020: 35 novelists; 973,809 words written; 27,823 average wordcount

Municipal Liaisons



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  1. Totals from the NaNo Stats Generator, using the 2019 non-public Word Count API. This data includes everyone who has joined the region (not necessarily homed) but excludes projects not associated with the NaNoWriMo 2019 event, including word counts across multiple projects.

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