Region/USA/NY/New York City

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The USA :: New York :: New York City region is one of the largest NaNoWriMo regions and the largest in the state of New York. It won the League One Donation Derby in 2009 and was second in total donations that year.

The region is home of the original baby blue viking helmet, owned by past ML alexabexis.

The NYC region also participated in the Great NaNoWriMo Book Drive in 2010 and collected over 3,000 books.

Regional Stats

  • 2014: 2,561 novelists; 42,520,964 words written; 16,603 average wordcount
  • 2015: 2,585 novelists; 41,884,606 words written; 16,202 average wordcount
  • 2016: 2,453 novelists; 34,949,610 words written; 14,247 average wordcount
  • 2017: 2,340 novelists; 40,287,860 words written; 17,217 average wordcount
  • 2018: 2,343 novelists; 36,442,784 words written; 15,553 average wordcount
  • 2019: stats unavailable[1]
  • 2020: 1,557 novelists; 28,513,432 words written; 18,313 average wordcount[2]

Municipal Liaisons



Nearby Regions


  1. 2019's totals, when available, were provided through a third-party tool using the non-public Word Count API. This region was large enough to overload the tool.
  2. Sent from NaNoWriMo HQ, February 2021. Consists of active homed participants who created a NaNoWriMo 2020 project.

External Links