What on earth is going on at NaNoWriMo HQ? Here's a high level summary compiled by an anonymous community member.
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USA :: New Jersey :: South is a NaNoWriMo region for the southern part of New Jersey.
This region is one of seven regions dividing the state of New Jersey. The other geographically-based NJ regions being Central East, Central West, Northwest, Northeast, and South Jersey Shore; there is also an Elsewhere region for NJ.
The South Jersey regional motto is "We write like we drive, fast and dangerously."
Regional Stats
- 2014: 424 novelists; 7,419,879 words written; 17,499 average wordcount
- 2015: 402 novelists; 7,222,356 words written; 17,966 average wordcount
- 2016: 341 novelists; 5,468,635 words written; 16,037 average wordcount
- 2017: 320 novelists; 4,885,738 words written; 15,267 average wordcount
- 2018: 299 novelists; 4,830,382 words written; 16,155 average wordcount
- 2019: 272 novelists; 76 winners; 6,035,326 words written[1]
- 2020: 190 novelists; 3,936,696 words written; 20,719 average wordcount[2]
Municipal Liasons
- Literary Debauchery (2015-present)
- JamieMoon (2010-2014)
- ladybard (2010-2014)
- Lisen.Minetti (2015)
- GeektasticLibrarian (2015)
- Scarlet-Dahlia (2016-2019)
- ↑ Totals from the NaNo Stats Generator, using the 2019 non-public Word Count API. This data includes everyone who has joined the region (not necessarily homed) but excludes projects not associated with the NaNoWriMo 2019 event, including word counts across multiple projects.
- ↑ Sent from NaNoWriMo HQ, February 2021. Consists of active homed participants who created a NaNoWriMo 2020 project.
External Links
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