
From Wikiwrimo
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USA :: Michigan :: Detroit is a NaNoWriMo region for the Detroit area. The region's nickname is NaNoWriMotown, after Detroit's nickname of Motown.

Regional Stats

  • 2014: 959 novelists; 17,205,721 words written; 17,941 average wordcount
  • 2015: 1,015 novelists; 18,878,895 words written; 18,599 average wordcount
  • 2016: 912 novelists; 18,256,259 words written; 20,017 average wordcount
  • 2017: 813 novelists; 15,230,616 words written; 18,733 average wordcount
  • 2018: 813 novelists; 15,754,268 words written; 19,377 average wordcount
  • 2019: stats unavailable[1]
  • 2020: 506 novelists; 12,697,281 words written; 25,093 average wordcount[2]

Municipal Liaisons




  1. 2019's totals, when available, were provided through a third-party tool using the non-public Word Count API. This region was large enough to overload the tool.
  2. Sent from NaNoWriMo HQ, February 2021. Consists of active homed participants who created a NaNoWriMo 2020 project.

External Links