What on earth is going on at NaNoWriMo HQ? Here's a high level summary compiled by an anonymous community member.
The USA :: Indiana :: Indianapolis NaNoWriMo region consists of the city of Indianapolis and the greater metropolitan area.
The Indianapolis region has existed formally since the dawn of time. Longer that your region, I'm sure. We're cool like that.
In 2011, the addition of a Facebook group made Indy's members much more active, and the group began meeting post-November to organize other writing events and continue moral support for writing. At that point, the group also adopted the nickname "Nindy".
Indiana Short Story Writing Week 2012
Indiana Short Story Writing Week February 19th - February 26th. "Winning" is having a complete short story of 2,000 - 5,000 words in that week's time, rough or polished.
Nanoween is a joint Halloween/Nanowrimo kickoff party held annually at Indy Reads Books since the bookstore opened its doors in 2011. Traditionally, participants come late in the evening to celebrate, eat, and brainstorm about their upcoming ideas; come midnight, the store goes silent as dozens of participants start writing frantically.
The event goes on until everyone goes home, or the person who has the keys to the bookstore gets too tired to drive and makes everyone else leave. Typically that point is hit around 4 AM.
- The Indianapolis Nanowrimo group is fondly known as Nindy (a conjunction of Nanowrimo and Indy)
- Nindy is still looking for a mascot, but the current favorite is a cyborg.
- 2020 - 429 novelists; 9,762,077 words written; 22,755 average wordcount[1]
- 2019 - stats unavailable[2]
- 2018 - USA :: Indiana :: Indianapolis wrote 13,038,303 words and had 711 novelists, with an average word count of 18,337 words per Wrimo.
- 2017 - USA :: Indiana :: Indianapolis wrote 15,359,629 words and had 730 novelists, with an average word count of 21,040 words per Wrimo.
- 2016 - USA :: Indiana :: Indianapolis wrote 14,205,058 words and had 781 novelists, with an average word count of 18,188 words per Wrimo.
- 2015 - USA :: Indiana :: Indianopolis wrote 16,267,011 words and had 829 novelists, with an average word count of 19,622 per Wrimo.
- 2014 - USA :: Indiana :: Indianapolis wrote 13,596,277 words and had 734 novelists, with an average 18,523 average word count and we donated $1,390.00.
- 2013 - Stats are lost to the mists of time.
- 2012 - USA :: Indiana :: Indianapolis wrote 13,578,215 words and had 570 Participants. 164 region members won - That's 28.77% of our region passing the 50k mark. We finished 47th out of 586 regions in total words. That's 19,043.78 words per active member. Our region raised $1104.00 for the Office of Letters and Light.
- 2011 - USA :: Indiana :: Indianapolis wrote 11,378,336 words and had ?? Participants.
- 2010 - USA :: Indiana :: Indianapolis wrote 14,314,421 words and had ?? Participants. Indianapolis ranked 41 out of over 550 total regions in terms of Wordiness overall and ranked 30th in words-per-person.
Municipal Liaisons
- Chelleybean13 (also known as the Tomato Queen) (2015-present)
- Cgarrett (2015-present)
- The Tomato Queen and her cohort step up to the plate in 2015 to lead the masses.
- theeternalscribe (2020)
- 2014 - Legion
- In 2014, the most high and honorable Arilan stepped down from the lofty position as ML, and the rest of Nindy collectively forgot to sign on a replacement. Lacking a leader, Nindy crowdsourced the Municipal Liason's duties through its Facebook group page, organizing write-ins, kick-off and TGIO parties, and the annual Nanoween party.
- Arilan (2010-2014)
- Arilan is a 20-something year old (a quarter of the way to dead, as she says), let-me-out-of-college-already future librarian with an obsession with cosplay and a strange habit of dyeing her hair a new color every 3-4 months. She is the keeper of the stickers, the knower of knowledge, and the first line of defense in all things Nano Related.
- orange_yarn (???-???)
- ???
- They were eaten by Dinosaurs. Indy is a tough city, people.
External Links for Indy Nano
- NaNoWriMo regional page
- NaNoWriMo regional forum
- Facebook Group <== super active.
- IndyNano YouTube Channel
Other Resources for Writers in the Indianapolis Area
- The Writers' Center of Indiana
- Indy Writers Group and their Yahoo Email Group
- Indiana Horror Writers
- Indiana Romance Writers of America
- Second Story of Indiana Second Story is a non-profit writing project serving kids, schools and community organizations in Indianapolis, Ind.
- Eugene & Marilyn Glick Indiana Authors Award A program of the Indianapolis Public Library Foundation
- Indiana Humanities Council
- Vivian S. Delbrook Visiting Writers Series at Butler University
- Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library