Region/USA/CA/San Francisco

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USA :: California :: San Francisco is a region consisting of San Francisco. Unlike other regions consisting of large cities, there are several other medium-to-large regions in the greater Bay Area.

San Francisco won the 2011 League 1 Donation Derby for highest increase in average donation.

In 2010 the San Francisco region participated in the Great NaNoWriMo Book Drive and collected over 3,000 books.

From San Francisco's regional info: "From the Golden Gate to the Bay Bridge, from the Richmond District to Hunters Point, from North Beach to Parkside, and everything in between, we are the San Francisco Wrimos. And everyone's story is amazing."

Municipal Liaisons




  • In 2013 the region wrote 23,195,196 words, averaging 17598.78 words per homed Wrimo.
  • 2014: 1,130 novelists; 19,964,371 words written; 17,667 average wordcount
  • 2016: 980 novelists; 16,492,198 words written; 16,828 average wordcount
  • 2017: 914 novelists; 15,696,723 words written; 17,173 average wordcount
  • 2018: 796 novelists; 13,257,188 words written; 16,654 average wordcount
  • 2019: stats unavailable[1]
  • 2020: 531 novelists; 11,801,375 words written; 22,225 average wordcount[2]

Nearby regions


  1. 2019's totals, when available, were provided through a third-party tool using the non-public Word Count API. This region was large enough to overload the tool.
  2. Sent from NaNoWriMo HQ, February 2021. Consists of active homed participants who created a NaNoWriMo 2020 project.

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