Software & Tech

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The Software & Tech forum (formerly NaNo Technology forum until September 2019, abbreviated "NaNo Tech") exists in the Resources & Writing Support forum category. Here participants may discuss the programs and devices they use to write their novel, or in some cases, the lack thereof. Questions about programs, computers, phones, and even typewriters aren't uncommon. Moderators of this forum seek to provide no more than one thread per program, to keep duplicate discussions down.

From the Sticky post: "If you’d like to recommend a program you have used, please do so. If you want to promote your own programs or apps (free or not), then you’ll need to post that in the Classifieds forum."

It is also the most common place to find the very popular progress charts and spreadsheets created by participants.

The Software & Tech forum is one of the original forums introduced in 2002. The forum description remained unchanged for over ten years after 2003 until the description was modified to include more modern tech in 2015.

When the forum was named NaNo Technology, it occasionally got confused as the place to seek help about the NaNoWriMo website. Those queries go to the Support & Tech Help forum.

Forum Descriptions

2002: "Palm pilot? Typewriter? Sticks-and-dirt? What technology (or lack thereof) are you going to use to write your novel this year?"

2003-2014: "PC? Cell phone? Smoke signals? What technology (or lack thereof) are you going to use to write your novel this year?"

2015-present: "PC? Smart phone? Typewriter? Tablet? Smoke signals? What technology and software (or lack thereof) are you going to use to write your novel this year?"

Topics and Threads


Current Moderators

Former Moderators

External Links