Jezra Lickter

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Jezra Lickter on the NaNoWriMo website.

Jezra Lickter is NaNoWriMo's current web developer. He joined the NaNoWriMo staff just before Script Frenzy 2010 after eight years at an educational software company and scrambled to complete his first script while maintaining the Script Frenzy website's stability. Throughout the month, the staff members and interns reported on their progress, and Jezra's progress was noted for keeping his username a secret and for not having a title, outline, or logline. He also became more reluctant to describe his scripting mood in haiku as the month progressed [1][2][3][4].

The NaNoWriMo staff formally introduced Jezra to the community at large in a June blog post [5]. He has formidable sideburns and a desire to stay on someone's boat[5]. He also has a mind for language-related trivia[6] and has been know to eat passwords for security purposes[7]

In July 2015 a lamb was born on Jezra's property. Wrimos were invited to send a postcard to NaNoWriMo HQ with name suggestions. [1] [2]

Jezra enjoys writing software, bike riding, and playing the bagpipes. When he grows up he hopes to be an astronaut.


  1. "We Walk the Walk and Write the Scripts". Posted 5 April 2010. Retrieved 26 August 2010.
  2. "Staff Spotlights: Still Walking that Walk!" Posted 13 April 2010. Retrieved 26 August 2010.
  3. "Staff Spotlights." Posted 20 April 2010. Retrieved 26 August 2010.
  4. "Staff Spotlights: The Final Stretch." Posted 27 April 2010. Retrieved 26 August 2010.
  5. 5.0 5.1 OLL Interns. "Introducing Jezra." Posted 1 June 2010. Retrieved 26 August 2010.
  6. Sarah Mackey. "Things I Learned About OLL During My Internship: A Top 10 List by Sarah". Posted 25 June 2010. Retrieved 26 August 2010.
  7. Nora Coon. "Password protection is no laughing matter." Posted 26 August 2010. Retrieved 26 August 2010.

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