What on earth is going on at NaNoWriMo HQ? Here's a high level summary compiled by an anonymous community member.
IRC is a popular web protocol used for forming continuous chatrooms. Many Wrimos use them to run word wars, or just gather and talk.
Popular IRC Channels
Nanowrimo @ goodchatting: The original #nanowrimo chatroom is hosted on Goodchatting (a small IRC server which also hosts a few region chatrooms.) Although it sees activity year round, it is most populated in November, where the number of people can easily go above 100. BattleJesus can be found here.
Nanooverachiever @ dalnet: The chatroom for Beyond 50k forumgoers, though all are welcome to come in.
Chatnano.net: Run by utoxin, an ML for Utah, this server hosts a large number of region chatrooms. Timmy is used for timing word wars, as well as general nonsense.
List of regional IRC chatrooms
- USA::Georgia::Atlanta: #nanolanta @ goodchatting
- USA::Georgia::North: #nanonga @ goodchatting
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