Historical Fiction

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Historical Fiction is a genre of fiction focusing on made-up events set in a real time period (usually prior to 1970).

The historical fiction forum is a place for the history fiction buffs to discuss their writing.

Forum Description

"Taking a trip through time without the benefit of a time machine? Writing alt-history about Napoleon's underpants? Come here to pick other historical fiction writers' brains about how to dress your nineteenth century cowboy, or house your prehistoric explorer!" (2015-present)

"Grappling with the realities of 17th century kitchen technology? Need help making realistic dialogue for your pre-Columbian youth? Settle in for chats with your fellow novelists who are doing the time warp." (???-2014)

Topics and Threads

  • Sub-genres include: Historical romance (metahistorical romance), historical whodunnit, Holocaust novel, plantation tradition, prehistoric fiction, Regency novel


Current Moderators

Former Moderators

  • JupiterStar
  • shuriken7 (???-2015-September 2019)

External Links