Helpful Resources

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Helpful Resources (formerly Helpful Resources and Sites until September 2019, and Helpful Orgs and Sites before that) is a NaNoWriMo forum for discussing useful writing links and tools Wrimos have found. Some of the most popular threads include Write or Die and other writerly tools. Occasionally participants will post links to their own personal sites; these should generally be posted in Classifieds. Similarly, posts about software belong in Software & Tech. Various social media site threads also lived here before gaining their own forum in 2015.

In 2012 and 2013 the sticky post in the Helpful Resources and Sites forum included a link to Wikiwrimo.

Helpful Resources is one of the original forums introduced in 2002. By 2005 its forum description was changed again and remained the same for ten years before a small addition in 2015.

As of September 2019, Helpful Resources is a top-level forum and contains four subforums: Software & Tech, Soundtracks & Music, Social Media, and Artisans. Before September 2019, Helpful Resources lived in the Resources & Writing Support forum category.

Forum Description

"Know of an organization or site that will love us unconditionally? That will cook us dinner or give us money or make us famous? Post the info here." (2002-2003)

"A map of the parts of the world where amateur novelists are loved, admired, and given free shrimp dinners." (2005-2014)

"A map of the parts of the world where amateur novelists are loved, admired, and given free shrimp dinners. Share your favorite resources and writerly websites." (2015-present)

Popular threads

  • Free Shrimp Dinner
  • Threads seeking other Wrimos on various social networks (before the social media forum was created)
  • Generators for things like titles and names


Current Moderators

Former Moderators

External Links