Guilt Monkey Game

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The Guilt Monkey 'Game' was created by the USA::Michigan::Lansing region in 2012 as a way to motivate participants throughout the month. Based off of NaNoWriMo's Guilt Monkey, participants can earn the right to pass monkeys by accomplishing certain goals. Multiple barrels of monkeys were purchased and each monkey individually numbered for tracking. The region switched from using the barrels to envelopes in 2013 to decrease the risk of monkey loss en transit.

The game was an immediate success and in addition to encouraging goal completion, the game encouraged participants to meet and get to know other participants at write-ins. Prizes are awarded at the region's annual TGIO party for those who passed the most monkeys in the month.

Guilt Monkey Rules

Per the USA::Michigan::Lansing Forums

Guilt Monkeys will be distributed in their envelopes to members of the [USA::Michigan::Lansing] region at ML write-ins. Guilt Monkeys can be passed along at other write-ins as well, but transfers must be registered via filling out a registration sheet which is then handed to a region ML, via Twitter or by entering the information in the Guilt Monkey Registration Station.

Holders of Guilt Monkeys can transfer them to another member of the region (who has not reached 50,000 words) at these points in time:

  • At each 5,000 word point, you may give a monkey to a fellow wrimo
  • When you win a word war, you may give a monkey to your word war challenger
  • When you complete a Cauldron of Doom challenge (whether you win or not)
  • Attending a write in
  • Fill out your title and excerpt on the site
  • Post on the Intro thread
  • Make a donation

Each Guilt Monkey is numbered for tracking purposes.

Once you have reached 50,000 words, you may give your envelope to a wrimo who does not have one yet. (Monkeys and envelopes can not be given to someone who has reached 50,000 words.)

If you don’t want to burden others with your Guilt Monkeys the MLs have a foster home for them until them can be adopted by someone in need of Guilt Monkey love.

All Guilt Monkeys and their envelopes MUST be returned to the USA::Michigan::Lansing region MLs at the end of November. (If you somehow forget, you may also mail them back to the address under your instruction label)

Prizes will be given out at the TGIO party for the most monkeys distributed to others.

Caught in Action

Frederick the Ferocious Guilt Monkey.jpg 2013-11-02 15.12.30.jpg