Finding Your Crew

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Finding Your Crew (formerly Writing Groups and Clubs until September 2019) is the name of one of the forums . It was founded in 2004 as a place for Wrimos to connect with other participants who share something in common besides geographic proximity, genre, or age.

Finding Your Crew contains eight subforums: Teens, 20s, 30s & 40s, 50s+, LGBT+, Mess Hall, University, and Pillow Fort. During the non-Camp NaNoWriMo season, the Writing Groups, Assemble! forum is also located here as a subforum. Before September 2019, Finding Your Crew was a forum in the forum category NaNo Groups.

Topics in this forum are as varied as the participants. There are threads for religious practices, hobbies, food preferences (including coffee and tea), and many more.

Wrimos wishing to connect with others based on geographic proximity, age, or genre should check out the respective forums for these topics.

Topics and Threads

Forum Descriptions

"A comfy place for writerly groups doing NaNoWriMo en masse. Groups can be from the "real world" or based soley online. This is the place to create a thread for 40+ writers, people who hang out at the same website, your bowling team, or any other loose-knit group taking part in the NaNo escapade together." (2005-2006)

"A comfy place for writerly groups doing NaNoWriMo en masse. Groups can be from the "real world" or based soley online. This is the place to create a thread for your bowling team, food preferences, or any other loose-knit group taking part in the NaNo escapade together." (2007-2008)

"A comfy place for writerly groups doing NaNoWriMo en masse. Groups are brought together by a connection of interests from across regional boundaries. So this is the place to create your thread for your online group, your food preferences, or any other loose-knit group taking part in the NaNo escapade together." (2009-2010)

"A comfy place for writerly groups doing NaNoWriMo en masse. Groups are brought together by a connection of interests from across regional boundaries. This is the place to create your thread for your online group, your food preferences, or any other loose-knit group taking part in the NaNo escapade together." (2011-2014)

"A comfy place for writerly groups doing NaNoWriMo en masse. This is the place to create a thread for any loose-knit group taking part in the NaNo escapade together." (2015-September 2019)

"A members-only comfy place for writerly groups doing NaNoWriMo en masse. This is the place to create a thread for any loose-knit group taking part in the NaNo escapade together. #camp-nanowrimo:writing-groups is your home for finding a group to write with!" (September 2019-present)


Current Moderators

Former Moderators

External links