Finding Cabin Mates

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Finding Cabin Mates is a forum added to the Camp NaNo section of the NaNoWriMo Forums in 2013. It was created in an effort to centralize cabin requests and suggestions and to avoid crowding up Campfire Circle and Camp Tech Help with such topics. Threads may focus on finding cabinmates of similar age, subject matter (project type, genre), time zones, language spoken/writing, non-writing interests, and goals (active members, critiquing partners, etc.)

Like the other Camp-specific forums, the Finding Cabin Mates forum disappears from public view in early August.

Topics and Threads

  • There is usually a sticky at the top letting Wrimos know to report any technical issues with cabin assignments/invites to Camp Tech Help.
  • Individual threads for Wrimos to find cabin mates

Forum Description

Looking for someone to share your bunk with? Trying to find the right group of campers to tell ghost stories with? Here's the forum to find your cabin mates! (2013-2015)
Want to bunk in a cabin with Campers you know you can count on to tell a great ghost story? Here's the forum to find your ideal cabin mates! (2016-present)


Current Moderators

Former Moderators

  • Michael Adamson (2013)

External links