Chanda Briggs

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Chanda Briggs' headshot on the NaNoWriMo website

Chanda Briggs was the Community Manager for National Novel Writing Month. She joined the NaNoWriMo staff in April 2019 and had previously participated in NaNoWriMo.

She holds a bachelor's degree in anthropology with a minor in Scandanavian studies from UCLA and was (as of 2019) a graduate student in library science at Syracuse University. She has also worked in cafe management and community management for diverse communities.

Chanda is a farmer's granddaughter and carries on the farming traditions of cultivating, jarring, and pickling. She also enjoys desserts, coffee, science fiction references, and making people laugh.

She left NaNoWriMo for a role in librarianship in fall 2021 after completing her library science degree.

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