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Caffeine is a popular and legal stimulant found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and many sparkling beverages.

Caffeine content of select common food and drugs.[1][2]
Product Serving size Caffeine per serving (mg) Caffeine per liter (mg)
Caffeine tablet (regular-strength) 1 tablet 100 mg
Caffeine tablet (extra-strength) 1 tablet 200 mg
Excedrin tablet 1 tablet 65 mg
Hershey's Special Dark (45% cacao content) 1 bar (43 g; 1.5 oz) 31 mg
Hershey's Milk Chocolate (11% cacao content) 1 bar (43 g; 1.5 oz) 10 mg
Percolated coffee 207 mL (7 U.S. fl oz) 80–135 mg 386–652 mg
Drip coffee 207 mL (7 U.S. fl oz) 115–175 mg 555–845 mg
Coffee, decaffeinated 207 mL (7 U.S. fl oz) 5–15 mg 24–72 mg
Coffee, espresso 44–60 mL (1.5-2 U.S. fl oz) 100 mg 1691–2254 mg
Black tea 177 mL (6 U.S. fl oz) 50 mg 282 mg
Green tea 177 mL (6 U.S. fl oz) 30 mg 170 mg
Guayakí Yerba Mate (loose leaf) 6 g (0.2 U.S. oz) 85 mg [3] ~358 mg
Coca-Cola Classic 355 mL (12 U.S. fl oz) 34 mg 96 mg
Mountain Dew 355 mL (12 U.S. fl oz) 54 mg 154 mg
Vault 355 mL (12 U.S. fl oz) 69 mg 194 mg
Jolt Cola 695 mL (23.5 U.S. fl oz) 280 mg 403 mg
Red Bull 250 mL (8.2 U.S. fl oz) 80 mg 320 mg

Random facts

The word "caffeine" was an invented word meaning "chemical found in coffee". Ironically, caffeine was already very popular across the world as it is also present naturally in tea.

Caffeine is considered safe in any amount by the United States Food and Drug Association, though excessive consumption can cause a rapid heartbeat. Because of this some people attempt to lessen their intake of the chemical by drinking de-caffeinated coffee or tea that does not contain caffeine. While the majority of coffee drinkers find this odd, the removed caffeine is added as pain relievers, energy drinks, and flavoring to carbonated soft drinks.

Relationship to Writing

As a stimulant, caffeine keeps writers awake late at night as they attempt to meet deadlines (or during November, word count goals). It may also wake them up during the day after a late-night writing session. There are often threads on the NaNoWriMo forums discussing one's caffeine of choice, coffee versus tea, and threads for coffee drinks or tea drinkers.


  1. "Caffeine Content of Food and Drugs." Nutrition Action Health Newsletter. Center for Science in the Public Interest. December 1996. [1] Archived from the original on 14 June 2007. Accessed on 10 October 2010.
  2. "Caffeine Content of Beverages, Foods, & Medications." The Vaults of Erowid. 7 July 2006. Retrieved 10 October 2010. [2]
  3. "Traditional Yerba Mate in Biodegradable Bag." Guayaki Yerba Mate.[1-lb.].html. Accessed 10 October 2010.