Board of Directors

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The Board of Directors is a group that oversees the NaNoWriMo nonprofit and its long-term planning. It was founded in 2006 around the same time as the Office of Letters and Light, the former name of the NaNo nonprofit. The founding board consisted of Eric Doherty, Kara Platoni, Diane Reese, Russell Uman, and Ellen Martin.

By 2008 Diane Reese and Russell Uman stepped down from the board (the latter possibly coinciding with the end of his time as a technical manager at OLL), and Christopher White joined the board.

In 2010 Steve Held, Elizabeth Gregg, and Nick Turner joined. Ellen Martin and Kara Platoni stepped down. Jason Snell's year of entry into the board is unknown.

Paul Oh, Sara McBride, and Tony Shen joined when Nick Turner and Steve Held left the board, likely in 2013. Sara's entry marks the first time an existing Municipal Liaison has served on the Board of Directors. It may also be the first time someone outside the Bay Area has served, as Sara is in the Los Angeles area.

Current NaNoWriMo executive director Grant Faulkner served on the board in 2011. NaNoWriMo founder Chris Baty has also served on the board. When he stepped down from his position as OLL executive director, he was made a board member emeritus.

Board of Directors trivia

The board member selection process and term, if any, are unknown. Viking helmets are present during board meetings. Members of the board indicate their willingness to pass a motion by donning their viking helmet[1].

The board members, along with the staff, assist with events such as the Night of Writing Dangerously. They serve as bouncers to keep Wrimos out until the assigned time, help pass out tickets at check-in, and have even donated prizes for the event.

The current board

The current board consists of the following members:

  • Chris Baty (board member emeritus)
  • Stephanie Block (?-2021-)
  • Cari Borja (?-2021-)
  • Karima Cammell (?-2016-)
  • Marie Lu (?-2021-)
  • Justin Quimby (2017-)
  • Lise Quintana (?-2021-)
  • Julie Russell
  • Michael Sippey (2017-)
  • Julie Zhou (?-2021-)

Past board members

  • Julie Barton (2014-?)
  • Buster Benson (2015-?) [2]
  • Eric Doherty
  • Grant Faulkner
  • Elizabeth Gregg (2010-?-2015)
  • Sean Hewens (?-2018-?)
  • Sharon McKellar (2017-)
  • Sara McBride, past Los Angeles ML (2013-2015)
  • Paul Oh
  • Tony Shen
  • Jason Snell
  • Christopher White

See Also

Associate Board

External Links


  1. Baty, Chris. Tweet. 5 December 2010. Accessed 15 September 2012. [1]