Sticky post

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A pinned post or pinned thread (also known as a sticky post, sticky thread or simply sticky) is a thread that stays at the top of that forum so forumgoers can find that post more easily. Discourse uses "pinned post" to refer to what the NaNo community called sticky posts; as such, the term "pinned post" has stuck.

The pinned post is not original to the NaNoWriMo forums; however, the NaNoWriMo moderators have adopted the use of sticky posts to communicate important information to participants and to make very popular threads more findable. Most pinned posts are made very soon after the forums open due to the popularity of the threads that are stickied or to have important information available from the site relaunch.

Two types of threads are typically pinned: the first is those that contain important information, such as reminders of rules (such as the no-accusations-of-cheating post in Shoutouts), public service announcements (such as a reminder to back up your work in NaNo Technology or advice and warnings for those wanting to publish), or collections of popular threads (such as the Table of Contents in the Adoption Society forum). These type of threads may be locked in order to prevent off-topic posting. Some informative threads may be structured as FAQs and allow user questions, such as "What counts in my wordcount" in Rules, Regulations, and Other Minutiae and "Am I a Rebel?" in NaNo Rebels.

The other type is popular threads, which are often stickied so that users will be able to find them easily and avoid posting duplicates. The dare thread in Reaching 50,000 and The Spork Room in NaNoWriMo Ate My Soul are examples of such popular threads.

Municipal Liaisons may also pin posts in their Regional Lounges. While what is stickied is up to the ML's discretion, it is usually types of threads similar to the above.

Moderators are requested to pin no more than three posts in a given forum so the other threads in that forum are still easily accessible.