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Revision as of 17:23, 27 April 2021 by Sushimustwrite (talk | contribs) (changed tense to past tense since Discourse doesn't support signatures)
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A signature is a bit of customizable text and images that appears at the bottom of each poster's forum post. The feature is not unique to NaNoWriMo.

In pre-Discourse NaNoWriMo (and the former Script Frenzy forums), participants had a signature space that followed their forum posts. Every user chose to use that space in a different way. Some users liked to create a banner illustrating the work they plan to write in the upcoming month. Others used the space to link to their blog, Twitter account, or website. Still others liked to list titles of past works or use the spot for a quote.

The signature feature in the forum was known for being nonfunctional in past years, and several users created threads in the Tech Help forum mentioning this. When signatures were nonfunctional, as they were during the 2011 NaNo season, they were among the most requested features. When signatures did work, they were not immune to future breaking. Test posts to see if your signature works were not necessary, as you could visit any past forum post and view your signature there.

Before NaNoWriMo's switch To Ruby on Rails in 2011, the NaNoWriMo and Script Frenzy signatures were linked, so changing one signature would change both of them if a user participated in both events. There were no signatures during NaNo 2011. In Script Frenzy 2012, the two signatures were separate.

Signatures were removed when the forums moved to Discourse in 2019, as Discourse does not support signatures.

Signature guidelines and tips

Signature images in the NaNoWriMo forums must be no larger than 500 pixels wide by 100 pixels high [1]. A moderator will remind a user whose signature image is too big to fix or remove it before removing it themselves. Signatures also must not contain profanity or sexual content.

Users who want an image in their signature but can't make one themselves can head to the NaNo Artisans forum and request a signature banner. Someone may be kind enough to make one. Users can also search for signature banner generators online and find one that appeals to them.

The Word Count Widgets designed by the NaNoWriMo tech team are not to be used in signatures, as doing so would cause unneeded stress on the NaNo servers.

Text in signatures must not exceed 300 characters. This includes any HTML.