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American Regions
Alabama - Alaska - Arizona - Arkansas - California - Colorado - Connecticut - Delaware - District of Columbia - Florida - Georgia - Hawaii - Idaho - Illinois - Indiana - Iowa - Kansas - Kentucky - Louisiana - Maine - Maryland - Massachusetts - Michigan - Minnesota - Mississippi - Missouri - Montana - Nebraska - Nevada - New Hampshire - New Jersey - New Mexico - New York - North Carolina - North Dakota - Ohio - Oklahoma - Oregon - Pennsylvania - Puerto Rico- Rhode Island - South Carolina - South Dakota - Tennessee - Texas - Utah - Vermont - Virginia - Washington - West Virginia - Wisconsin - Wyoming

United States :: Vermont is the NaNoWriMo region for the state of Vermont. As the entire state is one region, Vermont operates much like an Elsewhere region with Wrimos spread out all over the state.

In 2010 the state and region of Vermont participated in the Great NaNoWriMo Book Drive and collected the 3,000 book goal [1].


  • In 2012, the region wrote 12,375,247 words.
  • 2014: 493 novelists; 9,427,794 words written; 19,123 average wordcount
  • 2015: 542 novelists; 10,114,642 words written; 18,661 average wordcount
  • 2016: 425 novelists; 7,922,994 words written; 18,642 average wordcount
  • 2017: 417 novelists; 8,148,484 words written; 19,540 average wordcount
  • 2018: 414 novelists; 8,346,932 words written; 20,161 average wordcount
  • 2019: stats unavailable[1]
  • 2020: 276 novelists; 5,654,799 words written; 20,488 average wordcount[2]

Municipal Liaisons




  1. 2019's totals, when available, were provided through a third-party tool using the non-public Word Count API. This region was large enough to overload the tool.
  2. Sent from NaNoWriMo HQ, February 2021. Consists of active homed participants who created a NaNoWriMo 2020 project.

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