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NaNoPlanMo is a spinoff challenge designed for usage during September and October.


Since the beginning of NaNoWriMo, there has been a split between the planners and the pantsers. As with rebel support, extremists are in the minority. The extremist planner writes a meticulous outline that gets as detailed as possible without writing the actual prose. The extremist pantser does the exact opposite. They do not do any planning at all and do not even come up with a vague idea before November 1, preferring complete impromptu writing without exception. Most NaNoers fall somewhere in between these two extremes.

The idea of centrally gathering planners (or pantsers) within a thread or threads, and calling the planning process NaNoPlanMo, is not uncommon and had taken place for many years before the NaNoPlanMo challenge's inception in 2012. However, this challenge represented the first attempt to make it into an authentic spinoff event with a defined goal, rules, and winners.

Original Format

NaNoPlanMo was first run by NaNoWriMo User Olafstar on the NaNoWriMo Forums, during the months of September and October of 2012. The goal was to spend 30 hours planning your NaNo Novel between September 1 and October 27, inclusive, going by CST for when to begin and end. The challenge saw 77 participants and a 21% win rate, nearly double the NaNoWriMo 2012 win rate! The highest count was 43 hours, the lowest was 38 minutes. Only those who officially logged at least one minute on the event's topic, first located in Life After NaNoWriMo and later (after the 2012 site relaunch) in All-Ages Coffee House, were considered participants, and only those who logged 30 hours by the deadline were considered Winners. At the challenge's end, it was said that it's future was uncertain.

Decision to Relaunch

Unbeknowst to the NaNo Community, Olafstar had been working on a plan to relaunch script frenzy (discontinued on 6/26/12) on his own terms in 2014 since July 2, 2012. As this extremely time-consuming project with several changes to the event format took top priority, NaNoPlanMo was temporarily shelved. This SF relauch would only take place, however, if sufficient scripting interest was present on the NaNoWriMo forums during a user-planned unofficial SF 2013 in April.

While the outlook intially looked good, with steadily rising SF-related activity throughout winter and campnanowrimo integration of script as a genre and page count goals, April was filled with decreasing activity and little evidence that scripters were actually prominent in the thousands, which was what Olafstar was secretly requiring for relaunch. So, the SF relaunch idea (which involved both April and September sessions) was shelved, putting NaNoPlanMo back on the list.

2013 Format

In 2013, NaNoPlanMo will have its own website and forums, and be advertised in the appropriate area of the NaNoWriMo Forums. There will also be some minor rules changes, so far including:

-Goal is changed to 25 hours in 50 days

-The challenge will conclude on October 20th. The start date will remain the same (September 1st).

-Logging of every minute is no longer necessary - participants will be determined by the number of accounts on the site. To win, participants will simply post on a topic that they have reached 25 hours without cheating at any time.


2012: 77 participants and 16 winners 2013 Projected: 147 participants and 35 winners