Kickoff party

A kickoff party is a get-together that happens in late October before NaNoWriMo and in late March before Script Frenzy, quite often on the last weekend before the month. Some regions may also hold a kickoff on the first day of the month to get an early start on writing, or the night before with a countdown to midnight.

This get-together is typically a meet-and-greet session organized by a Municipal Liaison. The kickoff is often the first event in a Nano or Script Frenzy season (though some regions may have pre-planning parties beforehand as well). As a result it is also usually the most populous event. Some regions, particularly large ones, may hold multiple kickoffs to reach Wrimos spread over a large geographical area, to accommodate schedules, or to prevent crowding.

The events of a kickoff vary wildly by region and even by year and time within a region. Social time and introductions (along with descriptions of potential novels) are done, and nametags are often used. Games and other icebreakers may occur. MLs may also organize activities such as pre-planning and character worksheets and activities, Pimp My Plot (in which suggestions for plot twists are offered on others' novels), complete a Magna Carta or commitment, or do a short word war. Wrimos may also exchange advice and tips on each other's novels. Food or small goody bags may be provided as well.

See Also

  • Write-in, an event held throughout the writing month
  • TGIO party, an event held after the writing month