Camp NaNoWriMo (forum)

This article discusses the Camp NaNoWriMo forum, not to be confused with the Camp NaNoWriMo event.

Camp NaNoWriMo (formerly Campfire Circle until March 2020) is a NaNoWriMo forum devoted to discussing Camp NaNoWriMo and life during camp. It is most like the All-Ages Coffee House in that the Camp NaNoWriMo forum is the catch-all forum for Camp NaNoWriMo-related topics that don't fit anywhere else.

Because Camp NaNo doesn't have its own dedicated forum for other topics such as shoutouts and prompts, forum threads that are more appropriate for other forums on the NaNo site are moved there with [Camp NaNo] in the subject line. This makes finding other campers easier.

This forum was preceded by a Camp NaNoWriMo forum in 2011 before Camp NaNoWriMo gained its own container category with four forums: Campfire Circle, Camp Tech Help and Feedback, Finding Cabin Mates, and Special Offers and Greetings from Camp NaNo Sponsors. Camp NaNoWriMo was condensed into a single forum (with Writing Groups, Assemble! replacing the cabin mates forum expanding in purpose) in 2020 to accommodate Camp taking place on the same website as the main NaNoWriMo event.

Camp NaNoWriMo was an All-Ages forum from its founding until Camp NaNoWriMo 2020.

The Camp NaNoWriMo forum gets removed from public view in early August after camp ends. Save those forum threads while you can!

Forum Description

Tents, campfires, marshmallows, s'mores, and 50,000 words. Grab that bug spray, slap on your hiking boots, and let's go to camp! Camp runs [months and year]! (through 2013)

Tents, campfires, s'mores, and adjustable word-count goals. Grab that bug spray, slap on your hiking boots, and let's go to Camp NaNoWriMo! Camp runs in April and July! (2014-September 2019)

Tents, campfires, s'mores, and adjustable word-count goals. Grab that bug spray, slap on your hiking boots, and let's escape the summer heat and head to Camp NaNoWriMo! Our virtual camp runs in April and July!


  • Threads for popular locations around the fictional Camp, such as the Lakeside Bonfire, Memorial Rock, and Camp Cafe.
  • Various NaNo Swaps often conducted by physical mail, from postcards to care packages to tea
  • General discussions for Camp projects (what's your wordcount goal, first word, what's your project, favorite camp character, etc.)


Current Moderators

Former Moderators

See Also